Phonics curriculum Teach My Child To Read

10 Reasons Why Decodable Reading Books Are a Must

Dear parents, rest assured, you’re on the right path when it comes to choosing decodable books for your child’s reading journey. I’m not just sharing my thoughts; I’ve listened to parents across America, the Middle East, and South Asia who have been in your shoes. Starting with the ABCs is essential, but it’s not enough. Years of research have shown that decodable books are the key to building a strong foundation for your child’s reading skills. In this post, we’ll dive into why decodable books are a fantastic choice and how they can make a big difference in your child’s reading adventure

Reason 1: Boosting Confidence

When your child picks up a decodable book, they’re not just reading; they’re practicing and applying the skills they’ve learned. Traditional books often come with unfamiliar words that can shake your child’s confidence and make them doubt their abilities. Decodable reading books are like the helping hand you offer to a toddler taking those wobbly first steps. They empower children to put their skills to use and build that all-important reading confidence.

Reason 2: Empowering Parents as Reading Partners

Decodable reading books are an invaluable resource for parents who wish to actively participate in their child’s reading journey. These books provide a clear roadmap, making it easier for parents to guide their children’s learning and support them in developing strong reading skills. Parents become valuable partners in their child’s education, fostering a positive and productive reading environment at home.

Reason 3: Providing Structure

We all know that teaching your child to read can feel a bit overwhelming. Decodable books simplify the process by offering structure. These books usually come with lists of words that gradually introduce the sounds your child should master before moving on to more complex reading. This structured approach gives parents a clear roadmap, making it easier to guide your child’s learning journey.

For a comprehensive guide on teaching your child to read, consider checking out my course on the basics of reading and writing [Teach Your Child To Read Course].

Reason 4: Building Essential Skills

Early readers are carefully designed to ensure your child acquires the fundamental skills needed for reading. These books encourage activities like recognizing pictures, exploring word families, breaking down sounds, and practicing repetitive reading for better memorization. These activities are like exercises for the “muscles” your child’s brain needs for reading.

Reason 5: Making Learning Fun

Phonics books aren’t just educational; they’re also fun and engaging. Unlike boring and repetitive texts, they often include elements of humor, entertainment, or valuable life lessons. If you’re looking for books that align with your values and offer religious lessons, consider exploring my Islamic decodable book series.

Reason 6: Enhancing Phonemic Awareness

Decodable reading books actively involve children in recognizing and manipulating individual sounds (phonemes) within words. This interactive approach strengthens their phonemic awareness, a foundational skill crucial for both reading and spelling.

Reason 7: Tailored Support for Struggling Readers

Early Readers books provide invaluable support for children who may face challenges in reading. They offer a structured and systematic method of learning, making it more accessible for these children to grasp the alphabetic code and develop their reading skills.

Reason 8: Fostering Independent Reading

Phonics books empower children to read with confidence and independence. This self-sufficiency is a pivotal step in instilling a love for reading and ensuring that children can explore books on their own.

Reason 9: Backed by Evidence-Based Practice

Decodable books are firmly grounded in evidence-based reading instruction. Countless studies have consistently shown their effectiveness in building robust reading foundations and enhancing literacy outcomes for children.

Reason 10: Cultivating a Lifelong Love for Reading

When thoughtfully designed, decodable books can be not only educational but also engaging and enjoyable for children. They inspire young readers to delve into more books and cultivate a lifelong passion for reading. A priceless gift that will benefit them throughout their lives.

Elevate Your Child’s Reading and Writing Skills with Our Online Tutoring Service

If you find yourself facing challenges in teaching your child to read, don’t hesitate to consider booking a tutoring consultation with me. With over 12 years of teaching experience, I can create a custom learning plan that caters to your child’s unique needs and challenges.

To learn more about scheduling a tutoring consultation and what to expect click the button below:

Many children face challenges with handwriting, fluent reading, and reading confidence. Our tailored curriculum is designed to meet each child’s specific needs, focusing on a chosen phonics curriculum that matches their pace and abilities. We encourage an Islamic ethos and motivate children through a points system that allows them to earn prizes based on their preferences. Our approach has a proven track record, as seen in numerous testimonials.

Tutoring Benefits:

  • Teaching your child to read
  • One-on-one educational portfolio
  • Unlimited phone and email support
  • Tailor-made and structured tutoring sessions
  • Fun, engaging, and motivating for young children

Decodable books are more than just reading materials; they are the building blocks of literacy. They provide structure, boost confidence, reinforce vital skills, and make learning an enjoyable adventure. If you encounter hurdles along the way, remember that personalized tutoring support is available. So, dear parents, trust in the power of decodable books to provide your child with the strong reading foundation they deserve. Your unwavering commitment to their education will undoubtedly lead to remarkable results in the long run.

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