5 Reasons You Lose It When Teaching Your Child and How To Overcome Them

Teaching Your child at home can be like riding a rollercoaster, full of twists, turns, and occasional loop-de-loops. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the world of homeschool frustration, exploring why it happens and, more importantly, how to bring it to a screeching halt. So buckle up, dear parents, and let’s navigate this wild …

9 Simple Ways to Make Writing Fun for Your Energetic Kid

Teaching your child to write can be a challenging and sometimes overwhelming experience. The resistance, the games they play, and that spark of enthusiasm slowly fading away. Handwriting and reading, no matter how hard we try to avoid them, require a certain level of repetition. What do children dislike more than the monotone writing of …

4 Easy To Do Tips To Help Your Child Blend Words

When you find yourself blending the word c-a-t and your child says ‘’Shopping cart’’. The question of how can I teach my child to read? pops up again. In this scenario, you might want to revisit blending .One of the most important and difficult skills to teach in reading is blending. Blending usually takes a lot of practice and phonics activities to get right. It takes a child a while to learn how to blend.

floppy phonics

4 of the best Phonics Curriculums

Are you looking for a phonics curriculum to teach in school or teach your child to read? Well you’ve come to the RIGHT PLACE! Let’s be honest here, only you really know what is best for your child. However, it’s not easy to pick one! If you know nothing about them. So here I am to make it so much easier for you! I will lay out the pro’s and con’s for the Phonics curriculum I have had experience and training in, now remember this is my opinion from my own experience. You may disagree with what I say.