EYFS Classroom Layout New EYFS Teacher parenting

One important advice for parents sending their children back to school

kids labels ar important

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Are you ready for your first day of school advice?

Dear Parent,

If you were to calculate the amount of belongings that schools couldn’t instate,

It would be enough to pay your child’s school fees or even fund their degrees! 

Now to you this may seem minute,

‘’Keeping their belongings together must be a breeze!?’’ 

No it is not, it takes expertise! 

Amongst all the things I need to do! This is not what I want in my queue! 

Label your children’s belonging please

On my list of guaranties is to make sure your child leaves class with a smile and not anxieties! 

Every hometime I hear their plea,

‘’Miss, If I don’t find my jumper my mum will be angry at me.’’

Don’t be too hard on my pupils please! 

Remember, the whole day you’ve been an absentee! 

Child A poured the sand all over himself and needed to change clothes!  

Child B was trying to show me the bogey he had pulled from his nose!

Whilst, Child C was angry at D for breaking the code of bro’s! 

Child F was learning to write his name using the playdough! 

And Child G was on the art table drawing rainbows.

If you were in my class you would get to know that not every day is the same! 

All I ask of you is to place a name

In my class we are too busy reading , writing, exploring, drawing and maturing! 

Looking for clothing is simply boring! 

All it does is bring child H to a tear because all he wants to do is pretend to be an engineer,

Is it I’s or J’s?

There is so much we could be doing but you’ve made the owners of items so unclear, 

K was upset with L, M, N, O, P they all lived in the same area so bought the same jacket you see? 

In excitement they tried on each other’s coats with glee but a fight soon broke out because they couldn’t figure out which coat theirs could be! 

Father of Q and U dont be so naive!

Siblings also fight over whose shoe belongs to who you see, 

Although Children X, Y and Z solve problems amicably,

Why do we have to stop our discovery? 

For item recovery? 

So my dear absentees,

My wonderful pupil devotees,

Make your life an ease

And label your children’s belongings please! 



Why good quality kid labels are important

Now, free prinatable kids labels are good for a short while but it’s best to encourage parents to invest in long term kids labels that can support their child throughout the school year. This is especially for parents sending their kids to school for the first time, I mean sending kids back to school, anytime can be stressful but owning good iron on labels for kids clothes can save you so much time and energy.

When to use kid labels?

Firstly, use kids labels for anything is great, pencil cases, swimming costumes, coats, shoes you name it. If you live in the same area someone is bound to own the similar clothes as your child. Secondly, children can be quiet territorial about their items, it’s usually the last thing on their mind. Finally, kids labels make a huge difference in children taking responsibility and items being returned.

I recommend Mabels Labels for good quality labels that will last the whole year.

If youre having this problem with your students – Share this with a parent!

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