Continuous Provision: 5 Ways to encourage independence

Many times in EYFS continuous provision we rely on showing children what to do, we must remember there is a difference between modeling and guiding. It may be easy to hold a child’s hand or do it for them but it will not help teach independence. Here is a conversation you could have with a …

floppy phonics

4 of the best Phonics Curriculums

Are you looking for a phonics curriculum to teach in school or teach your child to read? Well you’ve come to the RIGHT PLACE! Let’s be honest here, only you really know what is best for your child. However, it’s not easy to pick one! If you know nothing about them. So here I am to make it so much easier for you! I will lay out the pro’s and con’s for the Phonics curriculum I have had experience and training in, now remember this is my opinion from my own experience. You may disagree with what I say.