Teach My Child To Read

4 Math Homeschooling Curriculums That Are Worth Your Time

It’s difficult to find the right maths curriculum for your child. However, there are a few i’ve tried myself and reviewed.

Conquer Maths

Type of homeschooler: Online

Strengths: The strengths of Conquer maths is that it is very easy to use. You don’t have to have much input and will allow children much practice for their skills. It is designed based on the child’s ability and it is systematically tailored to your child’s ability. For example; If you child is 8 years old but is working at a 10 year old’s ability in addition. Conquer maths will give the child the challenges they need in each of the mathematical areas. 

Types of learner: Visual and Auditory 

Resources: I spoke to one homeschooler who mentioned that the scheme ’’was worth the money.’’. The scheme is mainly for online learning. However, they only provide one explanation video at times for a child in relation to the page. This means if your child is struggling with a topic you need to access other resources to support them. 

Teaching: You don’t have to do much teaching with this scheme except if your child is struggling with work. 

Weaknesses: The work is quite repetitive and tedious, children don’t always look forward to doing the work on conker maths. 

Hamilton Trust 

Type of homeschooler

Strengths: Hamilton trust is a very concise curriculum. It tells you exactly what to do and when. The home learning scheme, although I didn’t bother to approach it at first. Thinking, it would have too much teacher talk and not clear enough for parents. I was definitely wrong! The work proved a hit with both the children and the parents. Especially in EYFS as it was laid out as a game. 

Types of learner: All

Resources: There are many resources, such as lesson plans and worksheets, alongside a literacy curriculum too. However, you may have to make them a little more fun and engaging to really get your children into the scheme.

Teaching: You really have to be prepared in advance for this curriculum. You need to make some of the resources and even though they give you tutorials. I would suggest being ahead of your game. You can’t just pick it up and start teaching some lessons. However, they are very worth it in the end. The child’s progress is also amazing! 

Weaknesses: The main Hamilton Trust curriculum can be quite difficult to those who are not familiar with teaching. However, the home learning seems slightly similar but they do  Although Hamilton’s videos are really useful, they can be quite boring.

White Rose Maths Home Learning 

Type of homeschooler

Strengths: I find White Rose maths is very good for homeschooling. Not only does it incorporate maths mastery. It has a wide range of resources and is very simple to navigate. 

Types of learner: Visual and Auditory

Resources: The Early Years curriculum provides a hands on approach to learning, the other years have very precise and clear explanations on completing topics. With the paid subscription, you can also get worksheets alongside the tasks.

Teaching: The videos are very interactive and interesting. It provides work from year 1 – 10. It is very simple to understand so if your child is stuck on a question. After watching the video yourself, you could support them. However, you may need to work one to one with children in younger years.

Weaknesses: With White Rose you have to take perspective that its approach to Mathematics is different. It heavily focuses on understanding the route of the topic. You may get frustrated with the scheme as it takes a slower but deeper approach to mathematics. You may complain your child is ‘’too advanced’’ or the pace is ‘’too slow’’. However, it will definitely be worth the wait to see the results, that are long lasting.

Montessori Mathematics

Type of homeschooler: Montessori, 

Strengths: The Montessori takes the Maths Mastery Approach , it breaks down every concept, so even on topics you have never experienced.Once, you learn how to present it to the child it becomes natural to you.

Types of learner: All learners

Resources: The resources are many and specific.

Teaching: It is really simple to teach Montessori Mathematicsand there are loads of tutorials online for preschool ages. It is difficult to find Montessori Maths examples for elementary but don’t worry! I have your back, Here you go! http://www.infomontessori.com/mathematics/introduction.htm

Weaknesses: I would say the materials are quite costly and it takes a lot of time to learn how to present the activities.

Montessori Mathematics YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKSRCeyR5Ck

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